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Showing posts with the label The Book of Vegan

How to Easily Go Vegan and Live a Life of Kindness and Compassion

WELCOME! The very first thing I'd like to say is welcome! I truly feel that just clicking the link and coming to this page is one of the best decisions you've made. How can I say that? Well, because when you become a vegan, on the very first day you will have helped save at least one animal's life and you may even extend your own life! To be a vegan is to be truly human and humane; a good person, a compassionate and a kind person. I am so happy that you are here! Michael Corthell, The Vegan Project   INTRODUCTION ( The Book of Vegan is a free resource and can be shared freely on the Internet and social media. We also offer guidance that is also free of charge.)  Veganism is in fact an ideology or a belief system. It is about social justice and non-violence. Vegans do not consume or use anything from animals(as far as is practicable, and possible).  We also do not knowingly participate in any form of animal exploitation or cruelty toward animals and that includes human an...