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Showing posts with the label politics

[Animal Products] UK Government Launches ‘Call For Evidence’ To Consider Fur Import And Sales Ban

72 percent of the public support a fur import and sales ban... The UK government is launching a Call for Evidence consider banning the import and sale of animal fur . The move aims to understand views towards the fur industry from both industry and the public. However, it concerns the commercial trade in fur only and doesn’t focus on non-commercial, private activity such as transactions and exchanges between private individuals Comments from the Call For Evidence will then be used to consider future government policy surrounding the fur trade. MORE

[Politics] Texas Approves Bill Banning ‘Meat’ And ‘Beef’ Labels On Plant-Based And Cell-Cultured Food

  Do plant-based labels actually confuse consumers? The evidence suggests not. Texas has approved a bill seeking to ban ‘meat’ and ‘beef’ labels from being used on plant-based and cell-cultured food . House Bill 316 was okayed by lawmakers earlier this week to prevent brands ‘misleading’ consumers. The bill strictly defines ‘beef’ and ‘chicken’ as ‘any edible portion of a formerly live and whole cattle/ chicken carcass, not derived by synthetic or artificial means’. Similarly, it says the label ‘meat’ must not contain any lab-grown, cell-cultured, insect, or plant-based food products. The bill stirred controversy online, with a slew of social media users criticizing the meat industry’s influence. Continue...

[Politics] UK Laws Protecting Animals To Receive Spotlight In Upcoming Queen’s Speech

  The bills include a ban on live exports and keeping primates as pets. Better standards of animal welfare[not rights] will be highlighted in the Queen’s Speech this week, ahead of several landmark UKs bills. Among them, animal sentience and tougher penalties for animal cruelty are to be enshrined in law. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs UK Minister George Eustice detailed the plans in an interview with The Telegraph . The Queen’s Speech marks The State Opening of Parliament. The annual event is taking place on Tuesday, May 11, and sets out the government’s agenda for the coming political year. Continue...

[Activism] Seaspiracy Producer Demands Shut Down Fish Factory Farms

  Kip Anderson—producer of ocean conservation documentary Seaspiracy—and PETA President Ingrid Newkirk are demanding the Biden Administration overturn a Trump-era executive order that allows the proliferation of fish factory farms.   This week, filmmaker Kip Anderson, producer of ocean conservation film Seaspiracy, and Ingrid Newkirk, president of animal-rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), sent a joint letter to President Joe Biden.  In the letter, Anderson and Newkirk demanded that President Biden overturn Executive Order 13921, which allows for the proliferation of offshore fish factory farms, which, aside from being cru farmed fish, are environmentally damaging to wild marine populations and oceans.  The Trump-era executive order also limits the environmental review of developing these aquaculture farms and places the burden on taxpayers to identify the locations where these farms can be constructed. Continue...

[Capitalism] Tip of the Iceberg: Shady practices of the meat industry uncovered

Again and again, the animal agriculture industries find themselves involved in shady and secretive actions. Whether it’s creating brand new diseases and causing pandemics, colluding and paying off government officials, or lying to the public, these industries have done it all.  So this is a round-up of some of the most shocking and shady actions committed by animal agriculture industries so far - but believe me when I say that this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Could you imagine ethical vegan companies ever doing anything like this?   CONNECT: 👉 Find more content on Instagram: ​  ðŸ‘‰ Follow on Facebook:

[Politics] Claim Joe Biden Plans To Cut 90% Of Red Meat From US Diets Debunked ✔

'At no point in his presidency has Biden suggested policies aimed at limiting red meat consumption' Credit: Lisa Ferdinando Fact-checking site has debunked a claim surrounding POTUS Joe Biden . The politician recently pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. However, the announcement resulted in The Daily Mail running a story saying the climate plan could hypothetically result in US citizens only being entitled to one burger a month. Does Joe Biden want to cut America’s meat consumption? This lead to politician Lauren Boebert tweeting: “Joe Biden’s climate plan includes cutting 90 percent of red meat from our diets by 2030. “They want to limit us to about four pounds a year. Why doesn’t Joe stay out of my kitchen?” Boebert also tweeted a meme of former POTUS Donald Trump surrounded by fast-food burgers, mocking the alleged rule of one burger per month. Continue...

[News] So...Is Vice President Kamala Harris Now Vegan??

Is Kamala Harris vegan? During her visit to Tacotarian, Harris told owner Kristen Corral that she was reducing the amount of animal products in her diet. “When she came in we were able to chat for a quick few minutes and we asked her about dabbling in veganism and she said she was doing vegan before 6pm and she heard about our restaurant from her good friend Senator Cory Booker,” Corral said. During her presidential run, Harris revealed her stance on encouraging Americans to reduce their consumption of meat. At a CNN town hall in 2019, Harris responded to a question about whether she would support a change in the dietary guidelines to reduce the consumption of red meat. “I love cheeseburgers from time to time, I just do. But [we must also consider] what we do in terms of creating incentives that we will eat in a healthy way, that we will encourage moderation, and that we will be educated about the effect of our eating habits on our environment,” Harris said. “We have to do a much bette...