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[Vegan Life] Sometimes Vegans Fart, And That's OK According to Benjamin Franklin

What's it like to be vegan?  Added Bonus: "Fart Proudly"  "Fart Proudly" (also called " A Letter to a Royal Academy about farting ", and "To the Royal Academy of Farting") is the popular name of an essay about flatulence written by Benjamin Franklin c. 1781 while he was living abroad as United States Ambassador to France . It is an example of flatulence humor . Here is the gaseous text in it's entirety... GENTLEMEN, I have perused your late mathematical Prize Question, proposed in lieu of one in Natural Philosophy, for the ensuing year, viz. “Une figure quelconque donnee, on demande d’y inscrire le plus grand nombre de fois possible une autre figure plus-petite quelconque, qui est aussi donnee”. I was glad to find by these following Words, “l’Acadeemie a jugee que cette deecouverte, en eetendant les bornes de nos connoissances, ne seroit pas sans UTILITE”, that you esteem Utility an essential Point in your Enquiries, which has not alwa