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Showing posts with the label animals

[Plant-Based] Why Are The Biggest Animals on Earth Plant-Based?

   The biggest land animals are all on a plant-only diet. Why doesn’t eating meat make you big and strong?

[Meme] Mary had a little...

In Christianity, the lamb represents Christ as both suffering and triumphant; it is typically a sacrificial animal, and may also symbolize gentleness, innocence, and purity. When depicted with the lion, the pair can mean a state of paradise. A lamb also symbolizes sweetness, forgiveness and meekness. A lamb is a young sheep that is still weak and defenseless when unprotected and alone. Because of this, lambs are targeted by predators because they present easy prey to them. When lambs are left on their own, they either get hunted down or stuck and lost, so they need guidance. Continue

[Carnism] Meat Consumption in the U.S. Is Growing at an Alarming Rate

The U.S. has the world’s second-highest consumption of beef and buffalo after Argentina.   Burgers, bacon, steaks, and other meat products have come under scrutiny in recent years due to their impact on health, sustainability, and social justice issues.  The number of companies working on meat alternatives in the U.S. is growing. Half of U.S. consumers under the age of 50 have already tried a plant-based meat product. Yet meat consumption in the U.S. is on the rise. As of 2017, America had the second-highest meat consumption in the world, surpassed only by Hong Kong.  How Much Meat Is Consumed in the U.S.? Americans consume around 274 pounds of meat per year on average, not accounting for seafood and fish, or individual food waste. Continue  

[Meme] Parenting in the Animal World

Parenting in Animals The study of parenting in animals is fascinating both in its variety and as a reflection of ourselves and our experiences. We ask ourselves, what makes a good parent? Is it hormones, experience, or both? What effects does parenting have on the offspring, and what are the mechanisms for those effects?  Animal models for these processes are crucial for many reasons, including our ability to experimentally control the experiences of the parents and offspring, to manipulate hormonal, environmental, and neural processes, and sometimes to look into the brain itself...  Continue  

[Information] 'Wet markets' likely launched the coronavirus. Here's what you need to know.

  TYPICAL WET MARKET Most of the earliest COVID-19 cases trace back to one of these sites, but what are they and what do they sell? Somewhat akin to farmer’s markets and found around the world, wet markets are typically large collections of open-air stalls selling fresh seafood, meat, fruits, and vegetables. Some wet markets sell and slaughter live animals on site, including chickens, fish, and shellfish. In China, they’re a staple of daily life for many. More rarely, wet markets also sell wild animals and their meat. The Huanan market, for example, had a wild animal section where live and slaughtered species were for sale: snakes, beavers, porcupines , and baby crocodiles , among other animals. Why “wet” markets? One explanation has to do with the liquid in these places: live fish splashing in tubs of water, melting ice keeping meat cold, the blood and innards of slaughtered animals. Another is simply that they deal in perishable goods (thus wet) instead of dry, durable goods......

[Meme] You Got a Friend!