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Showing posts with the label animal deaths

Why the Practice of Veganism Actually Results in Fewer Animal Deaths During Crop Harvesting

  For example, most of the corn crops grown in the United States are used domestically as the main energy ingredient in livestock feed and for fuel ethanol production.    The Vegan Project The practice of veganism minimizes the death of animals during crop harvesting because it avoids the consumption of animal products that require a larger amount of crops to produce, which in turn results in the killing of more animals during the harvesting process. When crops are harvested, it is inevitable that some animals will be killed or injured in the process, either by getting caught in machinery or by losing their habitat due to the clearing of land for agriculture. However, animal agriculture requires much larger amounts of crops to produce a given amount of food, since the animals themselves need to be fed and require more resources and land to raise. This means that animal agriculture results in a greater number of animal deaths during crop harvesting than a vegan diet wou...