The documentary—directed by Viktor Kossakovsky and executive produced by Joaquin Phoenix—follows the life of a sow, named Gunda, who gives birth to a litter of piglets. Gunda, a new film about pig sentience, is swiftly taking the world by storm. And if the reviews are anything to go by, critics—vegans and non-vegans alike—simply can’t get enough. “This astonishing documentary offers an intimate look at the lives of a sow, her rambunctious piglets, a one-legged chicken and a herd of cows,” writes New York Times film critic, Manohla Dargis. “Time flows slowly in this one-of-a-kind documentary feature,” gushes Joe Morgenstern in the Wall Street Journal. Gunda even made the shortlist for documentary feature for the 93rd Academy Awards. The documentary—directed by award-winning Russian filmmaker Viktor Kossakovsky and executive produced by Joaquin Phoenix —follows the life of a sow, named Gunda, who gives birth to a litter of piglets. The film follows the pigs, who reside on a Norweg...
A vegan lifestyle is a healthy and compassionate way to live. This blog is a resource for people who are interested in learning more about veganism. You'll find recipes, tips, and inspiration for living a vegan lifestyle.