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Showing posts with the label healthy eating

[Health] 4 Rules For THRIVING On A Plant-Based Diet PLUS Common Pitfalls to Avoid

   In his talk ‘Pitfalls on a Plant-Based Diet’, Dr. Michael Klaper sets four important rules for thriving on a plant-based diet, and some common pitfalls to avoid.

[Health] Is Coconut Oil As Healthy and Ethical As You Think?

  Coconut oil is often touted as a 'magic bullet' for health - but what does the science say? Is coconut oil healthy ? Or is it simply the best of a bad bunch? You can’t walk through a supermarket these days without seeing something made from coconuts. Coconut water, yogurt, milk, cheese — even coconut jerky. It’s an ‘it’ food if there ever was one. But is coconut oil good for us? And what about its reported tie to monkey slave labor? Is coconut oil ethical? Once shunned for its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is now found in health food shops and supermarkets across the globe. Most vegetable oils (soya, olive, sunflower and rapeseed oils) contain less than 20 percent saturated fat. Butter contains more than 50 percent. But coconut oil clocks in at a whopping 86.5 percent saturated fat. So how is that healthy? Continue...

[Health] Eating Well Doesn’t Have To Be Time Consuming – How To Stay Healthy Without Complication

Does the thought of having to spend hours preparing food in the kitchen put you off making healthy meals for yourself and your family? It’s a concern I hear from a lot of people, but by adopting a few habits and getting into a routine you don’t have to spend hours creating delicious, simple, healthy food.   Although meal planning might sound time-consuming and tedious it can actually save you time. By spending a few minutes each week planning what you’re going to eat you can save yourself a lot of time daily. Deciding what to make and checking if you have the right ingredients is not only time-consuming but can be stressful too. Continue...