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Showing posts with the label Health

A Healthy Vegan Population: Benefiting Animals and the Biosphere

The vegan food pyramid is a helpful guide for those looking to adopt a vegan diet and be their healthiest selves. ''A healthy vegan population serves as an example and inspiration for others, creating a compounding effect of positive change. By demonstrating the numerous health benefits of a vegan lifestyle, we encourage others to consider their food choices and embrace a plant-based diet.'' Michael Corthell As vegans, our commitment extends beyond avoiding animal products; it also includes striving for a diet that promotes optimal health. In doing so, we not only benefit ourselves but also contribute to the well-being of animals and the entire biosphere. In this article, we will explore the intrinsic link between a healthy human population and the positive impact it has on animals and the environment. Minimizing Demand for Animal Products: By embracing a healthy vegan lifestyle, we actively reduce the demand for animal products. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in t

[Health] Vegans Are Happier Than Meat-Eaters And Pescatarians, Finds New Poll

  'There has never been a better time to be vegan' Vegans are happier than meat-eaters and pescatarians, according to a new poll. Research published by Tracking Happiness surveyed 11,537 Americans to explore the connection between diet and mood. Participants were asked to rate their happiness from one- 10 (Very unhappy to very happy). The average happiness rating of each dietary group was then calculated; with vegans reporting seven percent higher happiness ratings than meat-eaters. Moreover, Out of the 8,988 omnivores surveyed, those who reported higher happiness ratings were more likely to adopt a plant-based diet in the future. MORE

[Health] MEAT AND DAIRY CAUSE CANCER - Dr T. Colin Campbell's "The China Study"

   Dr. T. Colin Campbell reveals how a vegan can prevent diseases like cancer.   After embarking on extensive lab research, and a study of rural Chinese populations, Dr. Campbell wrote "The China Study." A popular book in vegan communities, Dr. Campbell's empirical evidence shows the harmful and carcinogenic effects of an animal-based diet, and the disease preventing properties of plant-based foods.

[Health] Avoiding Other Banned Pesticides - Michael Greger, M.D.

   Industrial pollutants in the food supply may help explain the link between dairy consumption and Parkinson’s disease. DOCTOR'S NOTE Other videos on persistent pollutants: The Wrong Way to Detox California Children Are Contaminated Pollutants in Salmon and Our Own Fat Dairy Estrogen and Male Fertility Food Sources of Perfluorochemicals And check out my  other videos on dairy products ,  pesticides , and  Parkinson’s .  For more context, check out my associated blog posts:  Pollutants in Californian Breast Tissue ;  Apple Peels Turn On Anticancer Genes ; and  Avoiding Dairy to Prevent Parkinson’s . If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by  clicking here .

[Health] What Supplements Do Vegans Need? | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A on The Exam Room

   What supplements do vegans need to take? Is a daily multi-vitamin necessary?  Find out as Dr. Neal Barnard joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on the Exam Room for a live Q&A!   Plus, Dr. Barnard answers other questions from The Doctor's Mailbag:  -Can carbs raise cholesterol?  -Can you lower cholesterol if you don’t eat nuts and avocado?  -How can a plant-based diet lower blood pressure?  -Is olive oil needed for healthy cells?

[Health] Are Vegans at Risk for Iodine Deficiency?

 Most plant-based milks are not fortified with iodine. Are vegans more likely to develop an iodine deficiency? Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations:

[Opinion] Should Ethical Vegans Get The COVID-19 Vaccine?

Jordi Casamitjana Walks Us Through The Arguments Of Getting Vaccinated As Ethical Vegans Should ethical vegans get the Covid-19 vaccine? This is going to be the key vegan question of 2021. As a long-term vegan and author of the book Ethical Vegan , other people who share my philosophical belief often ask me whether they should get the Covid-19 vaccine, as many find themselves stuck in a dilemma when trying to decide. It is not up to me to advise anyone on this matter (I am not a doctor or a public health expert) and I believe this really must be each person’s decision (which is also the official position of the Vegan Society ). Besides, people can get stigmatised by either having had the vaccine or not, so we should be careful when we ask this question to others, and, as with any medical issue, we should respect confidentiality and avoid pressuring anyone to reveal what decision they made. Above all, we should never judge other vegans for having decided differently than us, as this is



[Health] The Best Diet for Fatty Liver Disease Treatment

   What are the three sources of the liver fat in fatty liver disease and how do you get rid of it? Can you treat nonalcoholic fatty liver with diet?

[Health] Just How Bad Is Hospital Food?

What do hospitals have to say for themselves for feeding people meals that appear to be designed to inspire repeat business?

[Ethics] THE COVID-19 VACCINE - What Do Vegan Doctors Think?

   A lot of good info, plus things vegans do that cause more harm to animals than this vaccine, like organic farming for instance.

[Cooking] Are Air Fryers Healthy For Us?

  Air fryers have had a recent surge in popularity and the air fryer works by circulating hot air around the food to produce a crunchy, crispy exterior. But are air fryer’s healthy? Is air fried food safe and healthy for us? If so what foods should we put in an air fryer and what foods should we not put in an air fryer? Keep listening as we answer these questions…


   This is the first of nine episodes of Interconnected, a riveting new series about the microbiome. Science is now discovering that the trillions of bacteria and viruses in our bodies act like a missing organ that interconnects with all the others. So many chronic diseases we know of today are touched by the microbiome. This is currently the hottest topic in scientific research. Please share this information far and wide. GO HERE for episodes 2 thru 9!

[Medical Opinion] Vegan Wars: Plants Are Not ‘The Absolute Answer To Everything’

    An acclaimed vegan doctor has called for 'more nuance in debating health literature' in his latest YouTube video titled 'Vegan Wars'. “There is a legitimate problem with making it sound like plants are the absolute answer to everything”  Dr. Garth Davis “Those problems are twofold. Number one for the patient. Because, if they think that they can avoid medical therapy just by eating plants, they could be avoiding a potentially very helpful thing to help live longer and alleviate symptoms.” Speaking to Plant Based News about the video, Dr. Greger replied: “I’m a big fan of Garth and his wonderful work. [It’s] nice to see someone try to cut through the grandstanding.”

[Health] Gut Health on a Vegan Diet: It’s About More Than Just Gas

You should trust your gut. We don’t mean your intuition (although that should also be trusted often), but here, we’re talking specifically about your gastrointestinal system.  Research suggests there is a link between physical, mental, and gut health. If you take care of the latter, you might see a big improvement in the former. Let’s look at what the gut actually is, as well as how you may be able to improve your gut health on a vegan diet. While you may associate the phrase “gut feeling” with butterflies or uneasiness in the pit of your stomach, in the medical sense, the gastrointestinal system consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, colon, and rectum. Often referred to as our gut, it’s also known as the digestive system or the gastrointestinal tract. According to Dr. Lisa Ganjhu, a clinical assistant professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, the gut helps with so much more than food digestion. She wrote for the Division of

[Video] Critical Reviews In Food Science & Nutrition - Dr. John McDougall, MD

    Nutrition Science vs Medicine - What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You - by Dr. John McDougall  Many thanks to Vegan Stories for this video.

[Health] Is Seitan (Vital Wheat Gluten) Healthy?

Seitan is a popular vegan substitute for meat. It is made from wheat gluten and water and is often promoted as a high-protein, low-carb alternative to animal protein. However, there are some concerns about the possible negative effects of consuming a product made entirely of gluten. This article will review the pros and cons of eating seitan and help you decide whether it is a good fit for your diet. Seitan (pronounced “say-tan”) is a vegan meat substitute made entirely out of hydrated gluten , the main protein found in wheat. It is sometimes also called wheat gluten, wheat meat, wheat protein or just gluten. Continue

[Health] Farmacology: The Study of Foods for Healing

by Michael Corthell We all know or should know that eating 'right' is the right thing to do for our bodies. If we combine good foods (the ones that are 'right' for us) with exercise, proper rest and learn to live life stress free, we will almost certainly live a happy, healthy life. ''The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.'' ― Thomas Edison What are the 'right' foods and how do we find them? In foods grown in healthy soil. According to Dr. Daphine Miller, on the farm. But not just any farm, it has to be good, dirty farm —rich soil: ''Thinking of a healthy body as an extension of a healthy farm, and vice versa, is a paradigm shift for many of us. But when we consider that all of our cells get their building blocks from plants and soil then, suddenly, it all makes sense. In fact, it is not too much of a stretch to say: We are so

[Health] Plant Based Nutrition and Your Immune System

by Michael Corthell Being healthy takes much more than eating an apple a day (to keep the doctor away). It has been shown that to have a healthy immune system requires a balanced diet, good daily rest, and living a positive life style. Knowing that we need to eat the right foods is common sense but the devil, as always, is in the details. What foods are best for us? Some of our nutritional needs are specific to the individual, because of a unique make-up and lifestyle, but there are commonalities. Want to eat right for a healthy life? Get the book that will set you on the right path: How Not to Die by Michael Greger, M.D. The immune system protects us from illness and disease. We can do many things to keep our immune system at it's best. Drink plenty of water. Hydration is important to every system in the body, and the immune system relies heavily on water (as a vehicle) in both in lymphatic system and blood vessels. Nutrition and exercise play a role in resisting