Go behinds the scenes of the groundbreaking documentary Seaspiracy with producer Kip Anderson and Dr. Neal Barnard as they join "The Weight Loss Champion" on The Exam Room™ podcast. Following on the success of "What The Health" and "Cowspiracy", Kip reveals how this powerful film came together to expose the falsehoods of the fish industry and the health of our oceans. Everything from the lies of "dolphin safe" labels on tuna to the realities of modern day whale hunts are being discussed. Plus, Dr. Barnard delves into research that debunks the popular belief that fish is a health food. And the group looks at the growing number of plant-based fish alternatives that are now being sold in stores! Kip also shares his three part action plan to save the ocean and how you can get involved! Seaspiracy: https://www.seaspiracy.org
A vegan lifestyle is a healthy and compassionate way to live. This blog is a resource for people who are interested in learning more about veganism. You'll find recipes, tips, and inspiration for living a vegan lifestyle.