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Showing posts with the label animal ethics

[Ethics] Animal Rights Protestors Swamp McDonalds Across the UK

Animal Rebellion protestors launched a petition as part of the group's calls for McDonald's to go entirely plant-based by 2025: 'it doesn't end today' is their call. Mc Donald’s closes its doors in many of its restaurants, following our action this weekend. We are calling on McDonald’s to commit to become a fully plant based fast food chain, by 2025. They could lead the way with this. They have an opportunity to become the world’s first fast food chain to serve only sustainable meals. We don’t have long. We certainly don’t have long to prevent the worst excesses of the climate crisis hitting us. Governments are doing nothing. Corporations could lead the way. McDonald’s say they plan to introduce a new range of plant-based meat alternatives from 2021, but that doesn’t go far enough. We are in a climate and ecological emergency and that demands urgent changes to business as usual. Food production alone is set to push Earth past 1.5°C of warming according to an Oxford...

[Sociology] Film Theory: Was Cruella ACTUALLY Wrong? (101 Dalmatians)

   The Twilight Zone meets animal rescue. Thinking about the cost of cruelty.

[Animal Rights] Philip Wollen - Most Inspiring Speech on Animal Rights!

[Animal Rights] Draw My Life: Laboratory Mice

   In this "Draw My Life" video, we hear the story of Martin, a mouse trapped in an animal testing laboratory. Martin's family is broken apart as they are taken one by one and used for various tests.  Every year, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs and other animals are locked inside barren cages across the country.  They languish in pain, suffer from extreme frustration, ache with loneliness, and long to be free. Many of these tests are funded by taxpayer dollars.

[Wildlife] Mini Hotels, Bus Shelters, and 5 Other Initiatives Saving the Bees

  The Netherlands is saving bees with insect hotels and pollinator-friendly bus stops known as "bee stops." The city of Utrecht, Netherlands is saving bees with a huge insect hotel.  The project consists of more than 200 individual nesting boxes for wild bees and other essential pollinators. The bee homes cover a 28 meter-high billboard tower on the side of the A2 motorway — one of the busiest highways in the country. Because wild bees search for pollen and nectar within 200 meters of their nesting site, the city of Utrecht also planted a 7,000 m2 meadow of wildflowers nearby, complete with sand and hills for native ground-nesting populations such as plasterer or “silk” bees. Wildflower meadows provide a huge boost to pollinators of all kinds, and road and railway sidings in general have proven important breaks in pervasive agricultural landscapes. They offer unique and biodiverse ecosystem services to local wildlife and frequently make constructive use of previously underut...