"When we feed our bodies with plants, we nourish our souls with empathy." Michael Corthell Many experts, including physicians, dietitians, and nutritionists, have reached the consensus that the 'Eden Diet' is the ultimate meal plan for humanity. This viewpoint, which prioritizes the rights and well-being of animals, has been distilled from numerous books and movies on the topic of veganism. Contained within this text are valuable resources that, when approached with an open mind, will not only persuade you to embrace a plant-based lifestyle for your own health but also shed light on the ethical considerations surrounding animal rights. It is important to differentiate between dietary veganism and total veganism. While dietary vegans abstain from consuming animal products, total vegans take their commitment a step further by also avoiding other animal-derived items such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps made from animal ...
A vegan lifestyle is a healthy and compassionate way to live. This blog is a resource for people who are interested in learning more about veganism. You'll find recipes, tips, and inspiration for living a vegan lifestyle.