" The measure of our humanity resonates in the compassion we extend to fellow creatures. Animal shelters epitomize this spirit, providing refuge, care, and a beacon of hope for a brighter future. " - Michael Corthell From a vegan's perspective, the act of rescuing dogs and cats from shelters holds profound ethical significance and stands in stark contrast to capturing wild animals for confinement in zoos and aquariums. The disparities between these two practices arise from the ethical considerations and principles central to veganism. Vegans advocate for a compassionate and just approach towards all sentient beings, valuing their inherent worth and right to a life free from exploitation. When one adopts a dog or cat from a shelter, a reciprocal bond is formed based on voluntary association and consent. These animals have often endured neglect, abuse, or abandonment, making them reliant on human compassion and care. By providing them with a loving home, vegans assert that...
A vegan lifestyle is a healthy and compassionate way to live. This blog is a resource for people who are interested in learning more about veganism. You'll find recipes, tips, and inspiration for living a vegan lifestyle.