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Showing posts with the label seaspiracy

[Commentary] DEBUNKED: 10+ Criticisms Of 'Seaspiracy' Documentary

   Klaus from PBN sits down with Ali and Lucy, directors of the Netflix hit Seaspiracy.

[Controversy] Seaspiracy Debunked: A Vegan Indoctrination Movie?

   Earthling Ed discusses the key controversial points brought up in the movie.

[Activism] Seaspiracy Wants You To Sign Petition To Protect 30% Of The Oceans By 2030

  'We grew up with a romantic view of the ocean. But what we found was utterly devastating' We are Ali and Lucy Tabrizi, the directors of Seaspiracy . It’s the popular Netflix documentary that charts our journey across the world as we uncover the horrors of modern industrial fishing. Now, we’re asking you to sign our petition to protect 30 percent of the oceans by 2030. We’ve both loved the ocean for as long as we can remember. The sea has given us so much happiness and it was our dream to make a documentary about marine life. But once we started filming, we realised the documentary would be different to what we imagined. We grew up with a romantic view of the ocean. But what we found was utterly devastating. We saw horrific killings and corruption. And we revealed a deafening silence over industrial fishing’s role in emptying our seas. We knew we had to expose how the global commercial fishing industries are killing our oceans... Continue...

[Documentary] ‘Seaspiracy’ Continues Making Waves: Here’s Why Fish Is Not A Health Food

  Some who stop eating meat continue eating fish in the belief that it’s good for them and that fishing is less cruel and destructive than farming - nothing could be further from the truth. We need fats called essential fatty acids for our cell membranes, brain and nervous system. They help regulate blood pressure, blood-clotting, immune and inflammatory responses and are called ‘essential’ because we can’t make them in our bodies, we must get them from food. ALA is an omega-3 essential fatty acid found in plant foods such as flaxseeds, rapeseeds, soya, walnuts and their oils. We convert it, in our bodies, into the longer-chain omega-3s EPA and DHA. These are also found in oily fish, which they obtain from algae. Conversion rates in the body can be low, which is why some people insist that fish oils are essential for health. They are not, in fact, they could be doing more harm than good. UK guidelines recommend that we should eat at least two 140g portions of fish a week, one of wh...

[Documentary] Seaspiracy Will ‘Change Your Thoughts On Seafood Forever’, Admits Vogue

  The publication has long promoted fish as a nutritious and 'sustainable' food. But will it now turn its back on seafood for good? Fashion giant Vogue says Seaspiracy will ‘change your thoughts on seafood forever’. The publication has long plugged fish as a nutritious and ‘sustainable’ food – describing Alaska salmon as a ‘hero ingredient’. However, it has now published a feature detailing six ‘eye-opening’ lessons from Seaspiracy such as bycatch, plastic pollution and ‘blood shrimp’. The documentary, directed by filmmaker Ali. Tabrizi, sheds light on the ‘war being waged’ on the world’s oceans. Continue...

[Review] ‘Seaspiracy’ Dives Deep Into ‘Bycatch’ and ‘Dolphin-Safe’ Tuna Scandals

Here’s one of the most shocking things that folks (including the film’s own director) are learning from Netflix’s Seaspiracy: If you wouldn’t eat shark fins or dolphins, you shouldn’t eat tuna or shrimp. The reason why? One word euphemism—“bycatch,” a speciesist term implying that one animal should die for humans to eat and another should be discarded back into the ocean (oftentimes dead), even though all animals deserve to live peacefully in their homes. What Is ‘Bycatch’? and Why Is ‘Bycatch’ a Problem? The fishing industry clings to the term “bycatch” just as the meat industry tries to maintain that it “harvests” animals (although in reality, we know they’re being slaughtered) and hunters attempt to use “game animals” and “the ones whose heads I want to hang on my wall” synonymously. Really, “bycatch” is the fishing industry’s shady, trivialized way of referring to the hundreds of thousands of its invisible victims: the dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, whales, octopuses, rays, seals...