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Showing posts with the label propaganda

[Activism] Marketing: This is how the dairy industry lied to the world

We’re told that milk is important for a strong healthy body, and if you stop consuming dairy most people will turn around and say “wait, how are you going to get your calcium”? But everything we’ve been led to believe about dairy is a product of marketing, advertising and government collusion. 

[Carnism] About The Cavalry Group: Mindy Patterson

    Know your enemy, have a peek at their Facebook page . What they say about themselves: ''We are a member based company defending & protecting the Constitutional and private property rights of law abiding animal owners & animal-related businesses legally, legislatively & culturally nation-wide.'' The Cavalry Group is a private member based company whose mission is to protect and advance the Constitutional and private property rights of law abiding animal owners, animal-related businesses, and agricultural concerns legally, legislatively, and culturally nation-wide. The Cavalry Group provides its MEMBERS ONLY protection to mitigate illegal and unwarranted search and seizure, in addition on our MEMBERS' behalf, we implementation of effective strategies of public relations, federal and state lobbying, campaign consulting, and other services. The Cavalry Group provides legal services to its MEMBERS focusing on early interven

[Public Relations] “Hi guys, it’s Gordon. I’ve got a confession”

Last year, PETA urged Ramsay to continue his vegan expansion and transition his restaurants to be completely vegan. Hell’s Kitchen may very well have frozen over because, during the last year, the public has witnessed the unimaginable: A docile Gordon Ramsay. The celebrity chef famous for his intensity in the kitchen, his love of meat, and multiple Michelin-starred restaurants, just shocked his fans by telling them on TikTok that he is turning vegan. Is he, though? The TikTok video shared to his 22 million followers how to make a vegan aubergine steak. He opens the video with a confession, saying, "I'm turning vegan," and proceeds to explain how to properly cook this eggplant-based steak. It is clear that Ramsay himself will not be going fully vegan, but instead will be doing plant-based cooking tutorials, with his first video amassing 13 million views. Continue...