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Showing posts with the label ethics

[Ethics] Gary L. Francione, "The Philosophy of Animal Rights"

Gary L. Francione's presentation, as invited speaker from Rutgers University Law School.

[Vegan Ethics] What speciesism actually is...

   Speciesism: the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals. Speciesism is so ingrained and normalised within society that we don’t even consider it a problem.  Many humans view non-human animals with such little regard that the very concept of animals deserving moral consideration is seen as offensive, as they believe that recognising that other animals also deserve basic rights is somehow demeaning to our own species.  But in the words of Oscar winning actor and animal rights activist, Joaquin Phoenix, “it takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.”

[Activism] Pro-Meat, Anti-Vegan Schools Us on Logic

  The prospect of consumable meat produced in a laboratory setting without the need to raise and slaughter animals is both realistic and exciting.  Not only could such in vitro meat become popular due to potential cost savings, but it also avoids many of the ethical and environmental problems with traditional meat productions. However, as with any new technology, in vitro meat is likely to face some detractors.  There are three potential objections: 1) in vitro meat is disrespectful, either to nature or to animals; 2) it will reduce the number of happy animals in the world; and 3) it will open the door to cannibalism.  While each objection has some attraction, we ultimately find that all can be overcome. The upshot is that in vitro meat production is generally permissible and, especially for ethical vegetarians, worth promoting.

[Carnism] Q&A with Dr. Melanie Joy!

  You asked; Melanie answered! Thank you for submitting questions for our founder Melanie Joy about her work!  In this video, Melanie responds to your questions about her upcoming projects, how her work reflects her personal experiences, and more.  We hope you enjoy it! For more info visit Beyond Carnism

[Ethics] THE COVID-19 VACCINE - What Do Vegan Doctors Think?

   A lot of good info, plus things vegans do that cause more harm to animals than this vaccine, like organic farming for instance.

[Activism] Social Justice + Veganism: Ep.1 Intersectional Veganism

    Intersectional vegans care about more than just animals. Let’s dive into how addressing other issues helps the vegan movement. Narrated by @Koya Webb

[Quotes] Ethics of Veganism


[VIDEO] Why HISTORY's Greatest Minds Didn't EAT MEAT

  Plant-based diets have been around for ages - literally. In ancient Greece, philosophers questioned the morality of eating meat. In the age of enlightenment, Leonardo Da Vinci introduced the concept of speciesism - the false assumption that humans are superior to animals.  Famed inventor Benjamin Franklin gave up meat in his youth, while others like Einstein, Edison, and Newton gave it up later in life. Nikola Tesla spoke out against animal cruelty and rarely ate meat. Social justice reformers also abstained from eating meat. Rosa Parks and Mohandas Gandhi were vegetarians. Susan B. Anthony supported the animal rights movement and the first American Vegetarian Society.  Watch the video to find out more!