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Harmonizing Ideals: New Thought Philosophy and Vegan Activism

New Thought

''Embracing New Thought philosophy enhances vegan activism, uniting compassion, mindfulness, and interconnectedness. Together, they pave the way for a more conscious and compassionate world for all beings."

Michael Corthell


New Thought philosophy and vegan activism may at first seem unrelated, but upon closer examination, they share common ground in their pursuit of compassion, mindfulness, and a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with all living beings. This article explores how the principles of New Thought philosophy can complement and enhance the goals of vegan activism.

Unity and Interconnectedness

At the core of New Thought philosophy is the belief in the interconnectedness of all life. This perspective aligns seamlessly with the foundational principle of veganism, which seeks to extend compassion and respect to all sentient beings. Both philosophies advocate for recognizing the inherent value and dignity of every living being, affirming a shared existence on this planet.

Mindful Consumption

New Thought encourages mindfulness and conscious living. It emphasizes the power of our thoughts and intentions in shaping our reality. This principle naturally extends to the choices we make about what we consume. Veganism, as a lifestyle choice, aligns perfectly with this notion, as it encourages individuals to be conscious of the impact of their dietary choices on the environment, animal welfare, and personal health.

Compassion and Nonviolence

Veganism embodies the principles of compassion and nonviolence towards animals. New Thought philosophy likewise emphasizes the importance of compassion and kindness in our interactions with others. By adopting a vegan lifestyle, individuals actively practice nonviolence by refusing to contribute to the suffering and exploitation of animals in industries like factory farming.

Promoting Health and Well-being

New Thought philosophy encourages practices that enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Similarly, a plant-based diet, which forms the core of veganism, has been linked to numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of chronic diseases and improved overall vitality. This alignment in promoting holistic well-being supports the idea that our actions can have positive ripple effects across various aspects of our lives.


New Thought philosophy and vegan activism, though distinct in their origins, converge in their shared values of compassion, mindfulness, and interconnectedness. By recognizing the potential for harmony between these two ideologies, individuals can embrace a more conscious and compassionate way of living, fostering a world where all beings are treated with respect and dignity. Together, they provide a powerful foundation for personal and societal transformation, ultimately contributing to a more compassionate and sustainable world for all. Reference Michael Corthell


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