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Showing posts with the label animal rights

Why You Need to Choose Veganism Now!

"Embrace compassion, choose veganism, and be the change for a kinder, more sustainable world. Every meal makes a difference." Michael Corthell In a world filled with choices, opting for veganism is more than just a dietary preference; it's a profound statement of compassion and conscious living. At its heart, veganism embodies a philosophy of kindness towards animals, rooted in a belief that they should not be subjected to unnecessary harm, exploitation, or use. Let's look a bit closer: Ethics and Morality The heart of veganism lies in its ethical foundation. It acknowledges the sentience and emotional lives of animals, advocating for their right to live freely and without suffering. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, you align your values with a commitment to ending the cycle of cruelty in industries like factory farming, where animals endure unimaginable conditions. It's a stand for justice, a testament to the belief that every life deserves respect and dignity. Ben

REVIEW & SUMMARY: ''Animal Oppression and Human Violence: Domesecration, Capitalism, and Global Conflict''

  In recognizing the interconnectedness of animal oppression and human violence , we find an imperative to strive towards a vegan world. It is a path that not only embodies compassion and ethical integrity but also offers a tangible solution to pressing global challenges. Michael Corthell David A. Nibert 's examination of animal oppression and its connection to human violence provides a compelling argument for the imperative need to work towards a vegan world. Contrary to the prevailing belief that animal domestication has propelled human society forward, Nibert unveils a darker narrative of ethical perversion, large-scale violence, and catastrophic consequences. Nibert's focus on nomadic pastoralism and the evolution of commercial ranching underscores how these practices, predominantly controlled by elite groups, have expanded alongside the rise of capitalism. He traces the roots of conquest, subjugation, and violence to the appropriation of land and water to sustain vast anim

Cognitive Dissonance and Carnism: Navigating the Mental Struggle Between Beliefs and Behavior

"Carnism perpetuates a paradox where compassion for some animals coexists with the consumption of others, revealing the dissonance between beliefs and behaviors in our society." Michael Corthell , The Vegan Project Global Cognitive dissonance , a psychological phenomenon rooted in the discomfort of conflicting beliefs and behaviors, has been a topic of intrigue for decades. It sheds light on how individuals grapple with inconsistencies in their thoughts and actions, offering insights into why people sometimes act in ways that seemingly contradict their own values. One area where cognitive dissonance is particularly relevant is in the context of "carnism" – the belief system that normalizes the consumption of animal products despite a stated concern for animals and the environment. Understanding Carnism and Cognitive Dissonance Carnism is a term coined by social psychologist Melanie Joy, describing the prevailing societal ideology that conditions people to consume me

What are the Negative Health Effects of Dairy on Humans and Animals?

"From lactose intolerance to animal welfare concerns, the negative health effects of dairy on humans and animals highlight the importance of making informed choices for their well-being, our well-being, and the well-being of the planet." Michael Corthell Dairy products have been a staple in many people's diets for centuries. They are often considered a source of essential nutrients like calcium and protein. However, in recent years, concerns have emerged regarding the negative health effects of consuming dairy products, not only for humans but also for the animals involved in the dairy industry. In this article, we will explore the potential drawbacks of dairy consumption on human health and shed light on the impacts on animals. Human Health Effects Lactose Intolerance: Lactose, the sugar found in milk, requires the enzyme lactase to be properly digested. However, many individuals worldwide are lactose intolerant, lacking the necessary levels of lactase. This intoler